Hurricane Class 5 Sangria – Featured on Fox 6 Wake up!



A secret blending of five of our most popular tropical wines creates our family’s signature wine. Uniquely Florida, this white sangria is made with our pineapple, passion fruit, key lime, mango and watermelon wines.

Highly aromatic with hints of pineapple, honeycomb, and citrus blossom, this exotic wine is light and refreshing with a well balanced acidic finish. It is especially good with lobster, scallops, and poultry dishes. Winner of a Best of Show, Best of Class and many Double Gold medals.

Epcot International Food and Wine Festival Selection 2004-2015.

Pairs well with our Sangria, Loco Polada, Mango, Parrot Head Peach, Margarita Mojo Lime, Banana, Watermelon, and Red Raspberry Slushie Mixes!